

Infer and standardize coordinates to satisfy CF conventions with the help of guess_coord_axis and cf_xarray.CFAccessor.rename_like. This function does the following:

  • Adds longitude and latitude standard names and degrees_east and degrees_north units to detected X and Y axes.

  • Ensures detected longitude and latitude coordinates are designated as X and Y axes if none are present.

  • Ensures unique Z axis is also detected as vertical and transforms height-like, pressure-like, and temperature-like vertical coordinate units to kilometers, hectopascals, and kelvin, respectively.

  • Renames longitude, latitude, vertical, and time coordinate names to 'lon', 'lat', 'lev', and 'time', respectively.

  • Renames coordinate bounds to the coordinate names followed by a '_bnds' suffix and removes all attributes from bounds variables.

Existing attributes are not overwritten.


verbose (bool, optional) – If True, print statements are issued.